FAQ — Find answers and general information quickly about the BOSSystem

What is RFID?

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The RFID uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags (UserCards) contain electronically stored information. Passive tags (UserCards) collect energy from the nearby RFID reader (A8).

Can you have more then one accespoint?

Yes. You can always add an extra A8 to the system, as a client A8 to the Master A8. This give you the possibility to work on lager display with easy access.

How many user card can you set to one A8?

Up to 100 users can be programmed into one A8

Can you delete only one specific UserCard from the A8?

Yes. With out block out card function.. you can take out the missing card within seconds from when it is known lost or stolen. The user card will no longer work, but all the other user card programmed to the A8 will not be effect by this. That is they will still work.

Can I delete all UserCard at one time?

Yes. Simple hold the MasterCard in front of the A8 for aprx. 10 sec. and all cards will be deleted.

How many extension can you set to one A8?

Easily you can have plus 10 extension on one A8… in other words more than 120 products or showcase can be controlled by one A8.

What if power is shut down connecting to the A8?

We have a back up battery in the A8, and in case of power failure the A8 will go into alarm.

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Need Support?

Please go to About in the heading and choose the Downlods from where you can download all the user guide or the manual to the specific configuration.

Or send e-mail support@sensorline.eu call our office # + 45 4576 4848


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